Creative Workshops & Events
Creative Workshops & Author Talks for Your Next Women's Event
Book a Joyfully Jewish creative, hands-on workshop, retreat, or Book-Signing event to inspire your community! Many transformational topics to choose from.
All workshops include calligraphy artnotes goody bags (like party favors for the soul!) and creative materials and supplies – it’s like walking into an art studio designed to uplift your life!
“Thank you so much, Rae Shagalov, for the superb workshop this morning! Your inspiration and fun, easy techniques helped me to identify what obstacle I’ll work to overcome this coming year! Looking forward to the next time you have ANY workshop!”
~Cena Abergel~
Chabad House & Sisterhood Events
Creative Programs & FREE Coaching
- Free coaching for shluchim and shluchos for big-picture planning and brainstorming – This is my gift to the Rebbe for you!
- Moshiach farbrengens with my husband, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Shagalov, featuring stories of growing up in Crown Heights, lots of niggunim, Chabad history, inspiring stories of the Rebbe and chassidim, and personal tips for connecting to our holy Rebbe
- Art Shows, Book Signing Events & Joyfully Jewish hands-on, creative workshops for women, based on my book & course, “Create Your Joyfully Jewish Life!”
- Creative Torah Journaling Workshops
Rabbi Shagalov is the Director of Enlightenment for the Blind serving visually impaired Jews. He is the editor of volume 1 of comments & footnotes to HaYom Yom and publisher of 13 books through Kehot. He has published Living with Moshiach, a weekly large print Torah digest for over 20 years.
“Rae’s program reminded me that I am obligated to express the talent and passion that G-d endowed me with.”
~Mrs. Sterna Citron, Los Angeles Shlucha, Ahavas Yisroel
“The women loved it!”
~Mrs. Sara Labkowski, Director, Machon Chana
Vision Board & Torah Art Journaling Workshops
Offer my signature Torah Art Journaling Course!
I’ll join your group via Zoom or in person for a live interactive workshop as we enjoy creatively expressing ourselves while learning Torah and the deep, mystical secrets of the soul through Chassidus.
I’ll guide the women in your community to create their vision boards and passion projects to tap into their deepest joy and life mission.
Birthday & Rosh Chodesh Farbrengens
Book a private coaching session or a birthday farbrengen (a special intimate gathering of close friends) to uplift and inspire you)!
- Friendship Blessings
- Torah & Chassidus
- Creative Workshop (we’ll choose the theme together)
- Create an inspirational group gift
- Uplifting resolutions for all
- Girlfriend fun!
“Years later, I still enjoy reading through the uplifting blessings my friends gave me in my beautiful blessings box.”
~ H.L.
Other Services:
Design Services
- Custom art & calligraphy
- Custom journals, printables & workbooks for your business, organization or family
- Children’s Book Design & Layout
- Unique gifts
Creative Workshops, Events & Courses
- Author Events
- Creative Workshops tailored for your group or organization
- Chabad House and Sisterhood events
- Birthday Party Farbrengen Gift Package
- Creative Torah Art Journaling
Consulting & Coaching
- Professional development including the Nurtured Heart Approach, Project-Based Learning & Jewish Design Thinking
- Passion Project Coaching for women & children
- Life Purpose Coaching
- Self-Publishing Coaching