Be Grateful for This Moment: A 12 Month Undated Gratitude Planner & Journal for Women


Do you want to have a wonderful life? Be thankful!

With gratitude, we recognize and acknowledge the goodness in our lives.

In the process, gratitude helps us connect to something greater than ourselves, to other people, and to our Creator. This leads us to humility and an opening of the heart to receive more blessing.

Counting your blessings makes it easier to notice them. The more good you see in your life, the happier and more successful you’re likely to be. Studies show that regular practices of acknowledging gratitude increase happiness, improve health and relationships, and increase motivation – all of this in just a few minutes a day!

A study in 2005 found that happiness could be increased by a simple gratitude exercise. Participants took the time to write down 5 things they were grateful for each week, for 10 weeks.

At the end of the study this group was 25% happier than a comparison group who simply listed five random events from the week. That’s it – just noticing five things to be grateful for can make us happier! Surely we can find five things to be grateful for in a whole week. Let’s do this!

How To Use This Journal

Each day, write down something you are grateful for. There are journal prompts to help you get started and a quote for your focus each week. You can relax with the coloring pages to help you let your thoughts flow, and use the goal lists for planning. There is also a Gratitude Action Plan at the end to help you pay your feelings of gratitude forward, so that you can help others by using your talents and the things you love to do.

If you can, find a friend who also wants to become 25% happier through gratitude journaling. At the end of each week, email each other 5 things you were grateful for during the week. Watch your joy increase as you recognize and enjoy more and more blessings in your life!

  • 52 Week Full Year Gratitude Journal
  • Undated 12 Month Daily & Weekly Goal Planner
  • Inspirational Quotes & Affirmations
  • Coloring Pages to relax and let your gratitude flow
  • Grati-doodle sections for relaxing doodling
  • Vision Board Page
  • Monthly Review Pages
  • Just 5 minutes a day can increase your happiness!
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