The Passion Projects Roadmap Course


Are you ready to make your passions a reality?

Do you have an idea or a Passion Project that tugs at your heart and soul and says: “Do me!”
…But your ideas are “all over the place” …You can’t seem to get started …Or stay focused
…Or stop procrastinating – And what about all of the DISTRACTIONS!

If this sounds like you, then you need Rae Shagalov’s Passion Projects Roadmap!

The Passion Projects Roadmap is the foundational course of Rae Shagalov’s Passion Projects Mastermind for Jewish Women. It will lead you step-by-step with all the tools you’ll need to get your Passion Projects up  and running so that you can energize yourself with what you love the most, nurture your family and community, and light up the world with your unique talents and passions! The course includes 5 milestones to help you create time, space, focus, and peace of mind to launch your great ideas into the world.


Milestone 1:  The Stressed to Blessed Masterclass

Learn how to use the 11 powers of our soul and the F.A.R.M. Framework (Faith, Alignment, Reality & Mindset - a special time management program especially for Jewish women) to maximize your success with your Passion Projects.

Milestone 2:  Let's Get Creatively Organized!

How to set up for maximum creativity, capture all of your ideas, and bring all of the things that bring you joy back to the forefront of your life. Includes the Creative Workspaces video, How to Organize Anything masterclass, and the Ultimate Decluttering Journal & Planner.

Milestone 3:  The Passion Projects Vision Board Template & Guide

Get crystal clear about what you want to bring into being with your unique talents.

Milestone 4:  Create Time and Focus for your Passion Project

Use the F.O.C.U.S. Formula Planner, The T.O.A.S.T. Method of setting priorities, and the Complete Time Management Kit plus a variety of templates to help you make time and progress for your Passion Projects

Milestone 5:  Surf the G-dly Wave with your Marvelous Mindset Tool Kit

Includes the "Transform Your Negative Inner Voices" masterclass,The "One Minute Miracle" meditation and the "7-minute Total Relaxation" meditation - plus the other templates to help you master your mindset for positivity and success!

Subscribe to receive Torah Tips, your Self-Care Checklist & coloring pages for a Personal Growth Mini-Retreat!

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